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Arthrocnemum macrostachyum

Kingdom : Plantae / النّباتات

Division : Spermaphyta / البذريات

Clade : Magnoliophyta or Angiospermae / مستورات البذور

Class : Eudicotyledoneae / ذات الفلقتين

Order : Caryophyllales / رتبة القرنفليات

Family : Amaranthaceae [Chenopodiaceae] /فصيلة السّرمقيات أوالرّمراميّة أو القطيفيّة

Genus : Arthrocnemum

species : macrostachyum

Chromosomes: 2n=36

Photos: Merchaoui Henda © DR


  • (Moric.) K. Koch, Hort. Dendrol. 96, n° 3 (1853)
  • Synonyms

  • Salicornia glauca Delile, Descr. Egypte, Hist. Nat. 49 (1814), non Stokes, Bot. Mat. Med. 1: 8 (1812).
    Salicornia macrostachya Moric., Fl. Venet. 2 (1820).
  • Arthrocnemum indicum (Willd.) Moq., Chenop. Monogr. Enum. 113 (1840).
  • Arthrocnemum macrostachyum (Moric.) Moris, Enum. Sem. Hort. Taur. 1854: 35 (1854).
  • Arthrocnemum glaucum (Delile) Ung.-Sternb., Atti Cong. Bot. Firenze 1874: 283 (1876), nom. illeg.
  • Common names

    Tunisia Arabic English French Tamazight

    غدّامه (Kerkéna)
    حماضة مقلوبة (Mehdia)


    Glaucous glasswort

    Salicorne à gros épis



  • no
  • Edible

  • no
  • Latex

  • no
  • Botanic description

    Genus description


    Species description

    "Perennial rooted sub-shrub, articulated 20-60 cm to 1 meter high. Plant glaucous then yellowish green, forming irregular bushes, very common around sebkhas.

    Stems erect or decumbent, radicating. Twigs green, glaucous, yellow or reddish composed of cylindrical, fleshy, thick.
    Leaves welded ended in bidentate cup.
    Flowers hermaphrodites grouped by 3 in a superficial cavity, long enough exserted and leaving in the axis after their fall, a simple small box.
    Fruits achenes
    Seeds tuberculous brown or black, shiny, with a hard envelope.

    Botanic References

  • Pottier-Alapetite G. (1981). Flore de la Tunisie Angiospermes –Dicotylédones (Apétales- Dialypétale , Première partie). Imprimerie Officielle de la République Tunisienne (Eds), 57 p.
  • Edouard LE FLOC’H, Loutfy BOULOS et Errol VELA. (2010). Catalogue synonymique commenté de la FLORE DE TUNISIE. République Tunisienne, Ministère de l’Environnement et du développement durable, Banque Nationale de Gènes. 500 p
  • www.theplantlist.org
  • Biology

    Life form Perinnial
    Type form Hemicryptophyte
    Photosynthesis C3



    Map Localization


    Adaptation Species likes a strong light to develop. It tolerates direct exposure to sea spray. It provides a useful shelter for some species of small mammals and birds.
    Salt bladder yes
    Invasive no

    Geographical distribution

    Localization Biocimatic stage Annuel pluviometry (mm) GPS
    Djerba (Déc.2013)Higher arid20933°52'49.18"N / 10°44'55.13"E 33°53'25.51"N / 10°50'34.35"E
    Monastir (Sahline, Déc.2013, Nov. 2014, Fév.2016)Inferior semi-arid33135°46'11.09"N /10°42'40.35"E 35°46'5.87"N / 10°42'48.09"E
    Sousse(Enfidha, Déc.2013, Juin 2016)Inferior semi-arid35436° 4'1.62"N / 10°24'21.78"E 36° 1'5.27"N / 10°25'37.87"E
    Cap Bon (Korba, Mars 2014,Fév.2016)Superior semi-arid44436°34'1.46"N / 10°51'38.94"E 36°34'49.79"N / 10°52'6.79"E

    General uses

  • Pastoral plant exclusively appreciated by camels. The sheep consume it dry.
  • Medicinal uses

  • "In the old days, it was used as an antidote.

  • NOTE : This website is not that of herbal medicine and assumes no responsibility for the negative effects of the use of plants. Seek advice from a professional before using a medicinal plant.

    Systems / Organs / Effects

  • Digestive System
  • Nervous System
  • Dispersion mode

    • Barochore (gravity)




    Description of the seeds

    Form D form
    External structure any
    Ornamentation rough
    Type of seed
    Average length of 10 seeds 0.9 ± 0,1 (mm)
    Average width of 10 seeds 0.7 ± 0,1 (mm)
    Average thickness of 10 seeds 0.2 ± 0,1 (mm)
    Average mass of 100 seeds (g)

    Test results

    mg GAE g-1 MS CI50 g ml-1 CI50 g ml-1 CE50 g ml-1
    11,72± 0,19197,44± 4,67210,56± 4,65865,76± 30,812016
    Total Phenols content(TPC), Anti-radical potentialities against (DPPH, ABTS), Ferric reducing antioxidant power(FRAP)

    Molecules : ADN / Proteins

    Chromosomes : 36 Uniprot NCBI

    Chemical composition

    Fatty acid Alpha-Linolenic acid link
    Linoleic acid link
    Polyunsaturated fat
    Phenolic compounds Polyphenols
    Tannins link
    Terpene Terpenoïdes
    Alkaloides Alkaloides
    Polyamins spermidine link
    putrescin link
    spermine link

    Tunisian references

  • Chaieb M et Boukhris M. (1998). Flore succinte et illustrée des zones arides et sahariennes de Tunisie. Association pour la protection de la nature et de l’environnement, Sfax. 186 p.
  • Other references

  • Bilquees Gul, Khan M Ajmal (1998). Population caracteristics of the coastal halophyte Arthrocnemum macrostachym Pach .J.Bot., 30(2) : 189-197.
  • Custódio L, Ferreira AC, Pereira H, Silvestre L, Vizetto-Duarte C, Barreira L, Rauter PA, Alberício F, Varela J(2012). The marine halophytes Carpobrotus edulis L. and Arthrocnemum macrostachyum L. are potential sources of nutritionally important PUFAs and metabolites with antioxidant, metal chelating and anticholinesterase inhibitory activities Botanica Marina 55; 281–288.
  • Feroz Khan K, Sanker G, Ramamoorthy K, Sugesh S (2013). Antibactirial Activities of salt Marsh Plants Against Marine Ornemental Fish Pathogens. American Journal of Drug Discovrry and Development.
  • Mohsen AA, Elhaak MA , Hamada EAM and El-Gebaly FE (2015). Adaptation potential of two common halophytes to salinity stress in the Salt Marshes of lake Burullus in Egypt IJAPBC – Vol. 4(4)