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by completing the "plant sheet" form below.

Thank you in advance for your full participation and cooperation.

Plant sheet

Order :

Family :

Genus :

species :

Protologue :

Chromosomes: 2n =...

Synonymes :

Common names :

Toxic (yes , no)

edble(yes , no)

Latex(yes , no)

Life form (Annuel, perennial...):

Type form (geophyte, cryptophyte, hemicryptophyte ...):

Photosynthesis (C3, C4, CAM):

Blooming (date):

Fruiting (date) :

General uses :

Medicinal uses :

Seeds : Mode of dispersion, Germination , Description (photos)

Antioxidant potentialies : DPPH, ABTS, FRAP (values, date)

Molecules : proteins , amino acides, fatty acides , polyphenols, terpenes, vitamins...