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Launaea fragilis

Kingdom : Plantae / النّباتات

Division : Spermaphyta / البذريات

Clade : Magnoliophyta or Angiospermae / مستورات البذور

Class : Eudicotyledoneae / ذات الفلقتين

Order : Asterales / رتبة النّجميات

Family : Asteraceae [Compositae] / الفصيلة النجميّة أو المركّبة

Genus : Launaea

species : fragilis

Chromosomes: 2n=16

Photos: Merchaoui Henda © DR


  • (Asso) Pau, Bol. Soc. Aragonesa Ci. Nat. 16: 68 (1917)
  • Synonyms

  • Lactuca fragilis Asso, Syn. Stirp. Aragon 109 (1779).
    Sonchus chondrilloides Desf., Fl. Atlant. 2: 226 (1799).
    Zollikoferia tenuiloba Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient., ser. 2, 11: 50 (1849).
    Launaea resedifolia sensu auct. mult
  • Common names

    Tunisia Arabic English French Tamazight


    لونييَة نَحيلَة الفُصوص
    سَليحَة الجِمال

    Launée fragile


  • no
  • Edible

  • yes
  • Latex

  • yes
  • Botanic description

    Genus description

    "Homogamous capitula, with yellow flowers ligulate hermaphrodite. Cylindrical gold camped with nested bracts, usually membranous at the edges. Naked receptacle. Akenes generally linear, prismatic or slightly compressed, with little or no attenuation at the top, with longitudinal fluted sides; peripherals often velvety pubescent or rough. White egret sessile, many bristles. Dichotomous plants, with glabrous leaves often whitish on the tips of the teeth and lobes.

    Species description

    "Plant colonizing sands with long, hypogeous stolons. Variable port.

    Stems rowers and dichotomes
    Leaves pennatiparts, with linear or lanceolate lobes
    Flowers composed, yellow. Corolla ligulate
    Inflorescence capitula ovoid or cylindrical elongated.
    Fruits achenes 4 to 7 mm long with egrets as long as them. Pappus dimorphic, white

    Botanic References

  • Pottier-Alapetite G. (1981). Flore de la Tunisie Angiospermes –Dicotylédones (Gamopétales première partie). Imprimerie Officielle de la République Tunisienne (Eds), 1110 p.
  • Edouard LE FLOC’H, Loutfy BOULOS et Errol VELA. (2010). Catalogue synonymique commenté de la FLORE DE TUNISIE. République Tunisienne, Ministère de l’Environnement et du développement durable, Banque Nationale de Gènes. 500 p
  • www.theplantlist.org
  • Biology

    Life form Annual or biennial
    Type form Therophyte
    Photosynthesis C3



    Map Localization


    Adaptation Plant of salty sands and arid places. Not to be confused with L. nudicaulis.
    Salt bladder yes
    Invasive no

    Geographical distribution

    Localization Biocimatic stage Annuel pluviometry (mm) GPS
    Djerba (Gellala, Déc. 2013)Higher arid20933°43'25.79"N  /10°51'34.26"E 

    General uses

  • It is used as an insecticide.
  • Medicinal uses

  • "The genus Launaea is used to treat acid stomach, skin diseases, as an antitumor species .

  • NOTE : This website is not that of herbal medicine and assumes no responsibility for the negative effects of the use of plants. Seek advice from a professional before using a medicinal plant.

    Systems / Organs / Effects

  • Digestive System
  • Anti-cancer
  • Liver
  • Skin
  • Dispersion mode

    • Anemochory (wind)




    Description of the seeds

    External structure
    Type of seed
    Average length of 10 seeds ± (mm)
    Average width of 10 seeds ± (mm)
    Average thickness of 10 seeds ± (mm)
    Average mass of 100 seeds (g)

    Test results

    mg GAE g-1 MS CI50 g ml-1 CI50 g ml-1 CE50 g ml-1
    Total Phenols content(TPC), Anti-radical potentialities against (DPPH, ABTS), Ferric reducing antioxidant power(FRAP)

    Molecules : ADN / Proteins

    Chromosomes : 16 Uniprot NCBI

    Chemical composition

    Phenolic compounds Coumarine link
    Flavones link
    Other compounds Ester

    Tunisian references

  • Chaieb M et Boukhris M. (1998). Flore succincte et illustrée des zones arides et sahariennes de Tunisie. Association pour la protection de la nature et de l’environnement, Sfax. 132 p.
  • Other references

  • Abd-el-Fattah H, Zaghloul AM, Halim AF, Waight ES. (1990). Steroid and triterpenoid constituents of Launaea resedifolia (L.) Kuntze. Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci.; 31: 81-91
  • Abdu Raazag Auzi , Najat T, Hawisa M, Sherif F, Atyajit D Sarker. (2007). Neuropharmacological properties of Launaea resedifolia. Braz J Phamacognosy 17(2):160–165.
  • Ashraf AE, Nabil AA (2006) Antibacterial coumarins isolated from Launaea resedifolia. Chem Plant Raw Mater 1:65–68
  • Moussaoui F, Zellagui A, Segueni N, Touil A and Rhouati S. (2010). Flavonoid Constituents from Algerian Launaea resedifolia (O.K.) and Their Antimicrobial ActivityRec. Nat. Prod. 4:1 91-95.
  • Rashid S, Ashraf M, Bibi S and Anjum R. (2000). Insecticidal and Cytotoxic Activities of Launaea Nudicaulis (Roxb.) and Launaea Resedifolia (Linn.). Pakistan J. of Biol. Sc. 3(5), 08-809.
  • Saleh MRI, Habib AAM, Al-Ghazooly MG, Ghabar DMK and Al-Fik FK. (1988). Chemical constituents from Launaea resedifolia. Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 29: 507-513.