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Reaumuria vermiculata

Kingdom : Plantae / النّباتات

Division : Spermaphyta / البذريات

Clade : Magnoliophyta or Angiospermae / مستورات البذور

Class : Eudicotyledoneae / ذات الفلقتين

Order : Caryophyllales / رتبة القرنفليات

Family : Tamaricaceae / فصيلة الطرفائيات

Genus : Reaumuria

species : vermiculata

Chromosomes: 2n=22

Photos: Merchaoui Henda © DR


  • L., Syst. Nat., ed. 10, 2: 1081 (1759)
  • Synonyms

  • Reaumuria mucronata Jaub. & Spach, Ill. Pl. Orient. 3: 57, t. 245 (1848).
  • Common names

    Tunisia Arabic English French Tamazight

    ام النّدى




  • yes
  • Edible

  • no
  • Latex

  • no
  • Botanic description

    Genus description


    Species description

    "Gypso-halophyte shrub, glabrous, from 50 to 1m.

    Stems erect, whitish, numerous.
    Leaves a glaucous green, semi-cylindrical, fleshy, punctuated, very close to the ends of the branches (5mm).
    Flowers solitary, calyx with 5 oval-acuminate divisions, surrounded by leafy bracts. White petals with a ciliated scale on the tab, extending well beyond the sepals. Tamines grouped into 5 alternipetal bundles, shorter than the petals.
    Fruits 5-valve capsule, seeds covered with long, silky hairs.
    Seeds covered with long silky hairs.

    Botanic References

  • Pottier-Alapetite G. (1981). Flore de la Tunisie Angiospermes –Dicotylédones (Apétales- Dialypétale , Première partie). Imprimerie Officielle de la République Tunisienne (Eds), 456p.
  • www.theplantlist.org
  • Biology

    Life form Perennial
    Type form Nano-chasmophyte
    Photosynthesis C3



    Map Localization


    Adaptation Maritime cliffs, rocks, rocky hillsides.
    Salt bladder yes
    Invasive no

    Geographical distribution

    Localization Biocimatic stage Annuel pluviometry (mm) GPS
    Djerba (Sidi Jmour, Déc.2013)Higher arid20933°49'55.29"N / 10°44'54.76"E 33°52'39.12"N / 10°44'56.00"E
    Monastir (Sidi Ghedemssi Nov.2014, Fev.2015,Juillet 2016)Inferior semi-arid33135°46'56.51"N / 10°50'2.44"E 35°46'57.92"N / 10°50'0.12"E 35°46'59.20"N / 10°49'59.29"E

    General uses

  • This plant has not previously known a traditional use except that it is grazed by some herbivores.
  • Medicinal uses

  • "It has been shown that their extracts possess valuable antioxidant activities in vitro and in vivo and have appreciable anti-inflammatory activity suggesting its potential use as an anti-inflammatory source. In addition, its shoot extracts have been found to be active against lung carcinoma. Recent research has shown that this species has anti-cancer activity against the liver, colorectal, breast and against tumor lines of the prostate.   Its bioactive compounds have advantageous properties, suggesting its use in medicine and food industries.

  • NOTE : This website is not that of herbal medicine and assumes no responsibility for the negative effects of the use of plants. Seek advice from a professional before using a medicinal plant.

    Systems / Organs / Effects

    Dispersion mode

    • Anemochory (wind)




    Description of the seeds

    External structure
    Type of seed
    Average length of 10 seeds ± (mm)
    Average width of 10 seeds ± (mm)
    Average thickness of 10 seeds ± (mm)
    Average mass of 100 seeds (g)

    Test results

    mg GAE g-1 MS CI50 g ml-1 CI50 g ml-1 CE50 g ml-1
    77,92± 10,558,36± 0,7912,90± 0,4327,74± 2,232016
    Total Phenols content(TPC), Anti-radical potentialities against (DPPH, ABTS), Ferric reducing antioxidant power(FRAP)

    Molecules : ADN / Proteins

    Chromosomes : 22 Uniprot NCBI

    Chemical composition

    Phenolic acids Gallic acid link
    Tamarixellagic acid
    Decarboxy dehydrodigallic acid
    Ellagic acid link
    Phenolic compounds link
    Isorhamnetin link
    Kaempferol link
    Quercetine link
    Kaempferol 3-O-rutinoside
    Disulfated flavonol
    Ellagitannin link
    Tamarixetin 3,7-disodium sulfate
    Other compounds 2,6-digalloyl glucose

    Tunisian references

  • Chaieb M et Boukhris M. (1998). Flore succincte et illustrée des zones arides et sahariennes de Tunisie. Association pour la protection de la nature et de l’environnement, Sfax. 177 p.
  • Karker M, Falleh H, Msaada K, Smaoui A, Abdelly C, Legault J, Ksouri R (2016). Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anticancer activities of the medicinal halophyte Reaumuria vermiculata. EXCLI Journal. 2016;15:297-307 – ISSN 1611-2156.
  • Gorai M, Neffati M (2007). Germination responses of Reaumuria vermiculata to salinity and temperature. Ann Appl Biol 151:53–59.
  • Gorai M, Neffati M (2011). Osmotic adjustment, water relations and growth attributes of the xero-halophyte Reaumuria vermiculata L. (Tamaricaceae) in response to salt stress. Acta Physiol Plant (2011) 33:1425–1433
  • Other references

  • Nawwar MA, Ayoub NA, El-Rai MA, Bassyouny F, Mostafa ES, Al-Abd AM, Harms M, Wende K, Lindequist U, Linscheid MW.(2012). Cytotoxic ellagitannins from Reaumuria vermiculata. Fitoterapia..83(7):1256-66.
  • Halophytes from the same family