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Nitraria retusa

Kingdom : Plantae / النّباتات

Division : Spermaphyta / البذريات

Clade : Magnoliophyta or Angiospermae / مستورات البذور

Class : Eudicotyledoneae / ذات الفلقتين

Order : Sapindales / رتبة الصّابونيات

Family : Nitrariaceae / الفصيلة الغَرْقَدِيَّة

Genus : Nitraria

species : retusa

Chromosomes: 2n=24

Photos: Merchaoui Henda © DR


  • (Forssk.) Asch., Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenb. 18: 94 (1876).
  • Synonyms

  • Peganum retusum Forssk., Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. LXVI, 221 (1775).
  • Nitraria tridentata Desf., Fl. Atlant. 1: 372 (1798).
  • Common names

    Tunisia Arabic English French Tamazight


    غرقد كليل

    Nitraire à feuilles rétuses


  • no
  • Edible

  • yes
  • Latex

  • no
  • Botanic description

    Genus description

    "The only genus of this family

    Species description

    "Spiny Shrub (0.50 to 1.50 m).

    Stems thorny twigs
    Leaves cuneiform whole, or bearing teeth at their apical end, a little fleshy, stipulated.
    Flowers in small panicles corymbiform ending short branches: petals 5. whitish, hispid. Lamines 15, 3-cellous ovary.
    Inflorescence Corymbiform panicles
    Fruits drupe with a single seed developed.

    Botanic References

  • Pottier-Alapetite G. (1981). Flore de la Tunisie Angiospermes –Dicotylédones (Apétales- Dialypétale , Première partie). Imprimerie Officielle de la République Tunisienne (Eds), 456p.
  • Edouard LE FLOC’H, Loutfy BOULOS et Errol VELA. (2010). Catalogue synonymique commenté de la FLORE DE TUNISIE. République Tunisienne, Ministère de l’Environnement et du développement durable, Banque Nationale de Gènes. 500 p
  • www.tela-botanica.org
  • www.theplantlist.org
  • Biology

    Life form Perennial
    Type form Nanophanerophyte
    Photosynthesis C3



    Map Localization


    Adaptation Desert sands, more or less salty.
    Salt bladder yes
    Invasive no

    Geographical distribution

    Localization Biocimatic stage Annuel pluviometry (mm) GPS
    Djerba (Mellita, Déc.2013)Higher arid20933°51'40.76"N / 10°47'37.34"E
    Monastir (Sidi Ghedamssi Août 2016)Inferior semi-arid33135°46'55.54"N / 10°50'2.18"E

    General uses

  • Edible red fruits.
  • Medicinal uses

  • "The ashes of Nitraria retusa have the property to heal infected wounds. Sweet-flavored drupes are edible for the treatment of hypertension. The melting and decoction of the leaves are used as tea or poultice for their anti-inflammatory properties.

  • NOTE : This website is not that of herbal medicine and assumes no responsibility for the negative effects of the use of plants. Seek advice from a professional before using a medicinal plant.

    Systems / Organs / Effects

  • Digestive System
  • Reproductive System
  • Antiinflammatory
  • Hypolipedemic
  • Hypoglycemic

  • Liver
  • Dispersion mode

    • Barochore (gravity)




    Description of the seeds

    External structure
    Type of seed
    Average length of 10 seeds ±(mm)
    Average width of 10 seeds ± (mm)
    Average thickness of 10 seeds ± (mm)
    Average mass of 100 seeds (g)

    Test results

    mg GAE g-1 MS CI50 g ml-1 CI50 g ml-1 CE50 g ml-1
    10,12± 0,82191,26± 5,69273,87± 3,60815,34± 33,822016
    Total Phenols content(TPC), Anti-radical potentialities against (DPPH, ABTS), Ferric reducing antioxidant power(FRAP)

    Molecules : ADN / Proteins

    Chromosomes : 24 Uniprot NCBI

    Chemical composition

    Phenolic compounds link
    Quercetine link
    Anthocyanins link

    Tunisian references

  • Boukef M.K. (1986). Les plantes dans la médecine traditionnelle tunisienne.
  • Boubaker,J., Ben Sghaier, M., Ines, S., Ghedira, K., and Chekir-Ghedira L. (2012). “Isorhamnetin 3-O-robinobioside from Nitraria retusa leaves enhance antioxidant and antigenotoxic activity in human chronic myelogenous leukemia cell line K562,” BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, no. 12, p. 135. Médecine traditionnelle et pharmacopée. Librairie Larose (Eds), paris, 350p.
  • Boubaker, J., Skandrani, I., Bouhlel I. et al. (2010). “Mutagenic, antimutagenic and antioxidant potency of leaf extracts from Nitraria retusa,”FoodandChemical Toxicology, vol. 48,no. 8-9, pp. 2283–2290.
  • Zar Kalai F, Han J, Ksouri R, El Omri A, Abdelly C, Isoda H.(2013) Antiobesity Effects of an Edible Halophyte Nitraria retusa Forssk in 3T3-L1 Preadipocyte Differentiation and in C57B6J/L Mice Fed a High Fat Diet-Induced Obesity Hindawi Publishing Corporation Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume. Article ID 368658, 11 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/368658
  • Other references

  • El-Alali, A., Alzoubi, A., Gharaibeh, M., Tawaha, K., and Alali, F.Q.(2012). “Phytochemical and biological investigation of Nitraria retusa asch,” Jordan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol. 5,no. 2.
  • le Floc’h, E. (1952) Contribution a une étude Ethnobotanique de la Flore tunisienne, Ministère de l enseignement Supérieure et de la Recherche Scientifique.
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